One of the industry's most innovative tools which allows you to trade risk free.
A tool tha allows you to set your maximum risk. Protect your account from runaway losses.
Your account is quaranteed to never go below zero. Standard on all easyMarkets accounts since 2001.
No matter what the market conditions, your bottm line will never change with Fixed Spreads.
The price you see is the price your trade will be placed.
Shares are a popular investment product largely due to the amount of information available when trading them.
Learn more2025
TradingView Broker Awards
Smart Vision Investment Summit, Egypt
Forex Expo Dubai
*easyTrade terms apply.
easyTrade is a pending trade mark under application no.: 017879278.
**dealCancellation terms apply.
dealCancellation© is a patent pending under the “Easy Cancellation Option” application number 62334455.